I was wondering what I was going to post in February because I've gone three years without a down month. I didn't want to break my streak. This, though, wasn't what I wanted to post although things seem to be working out OK and will be fine.
Owen the tank engine, decided yesterday at about 9 AM that it would be a good idea to pull a coffee pot of water off of the counter at Grandma's house. The problem was that this pot of water happened to be filled with boiling water. The water and the pot hit him in the left shoulder and splashed up onto the left side of his face. Cathy said that she had never heard him scream like that. She ripped off his shirt and put him under cold water in the bathtub and then they ran him to Children's Hospital.
He spent the morning in the ER where they gave him something for the pain and put some medicine (Silver Nitrate I think) on his shoulder, which is the worst of the burns. When I got there about noon they were just taking him up to his room to await a surgical procedure later that yesterday afternoon.
They took him into "surgery", and I use that term lightly. Other than putting him under it really wasn't surgery. The procedure involved scrubbing all of the skin off that was burnt to prevent infection and scarring and then apply a "bio brain". Basically a biological bandage or skin that will stay on the burns and allow them to heal in a sterile environment. There will be no scab because of it.
He seemed to sleep pretty well through the night I was told and will be able to come home today. It will be about two weeks before the biological bandage comes off and he is back to new, hopefully with no scars. I've included a few pictures below.
Right after he got to the emergency room...
Owen and Mommy...
Sleeping in the ER...
All bandaged up... waiting to go to his room.
After his surgical procedure, the patch on his cheek is the biological bandage...