Friday, May 18, 2007

Adoption #2 Update

I really hope we decide on a name soon... I need to be able to put one on the top of the page and in the title of these posts. It looks like we have narrowed it down to either Ian or Owen, but we will see. We really should talk about it.

We did get some news today from our social worker that all of our documents were approved by the Korean Ministry and now have moved on to the U.S. Embassy in Seoul. This is good news and means that in anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks we will be traveling. The little guy needs to have a passport issued to him and then get a visa. After that is completed we will be notified and be ready to travel. It isn't the best time of the year with school ending, but I'm sure it will work out. My faculty is hoping it falls the week of our post-school year meetings. That is all for now!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Saying all the prayers I can think for you guys. I'm so excited for you!

By the way (not that my vote counts), I say go for Owen. Ian is super close to Liam and could lead to much confusion down the road. Besides, I love the name Owen. ;)