Friday, October 29, 2010

Goodbye B-town.

As you may know, we have sold the Chateau in Burlington.  Some of you may think that I say "Goodbye B-town" with an air of celebration, but I don't think that would be accurate.  It is always kind of sad to sell a house and while moving to Burlington wasn't exactly what we wanted to do and buying our house in Burlington was kind of a disappointment after our house in Florida, I think it is safe to say that Burlington really grew on us.  I think "Goodbye B-town" is actually said with some sadness.  Some of our best friends still live there and we are going to miss them and the ability to just stop by at a moment's notice.  

We moved out last weekend and closed today on 549 Briody.  We are no longer home owners.  Here is one final picture of the Chateau with Cathy, Liam, and Owen.  We moved in as a family of 3 and Sofie and leave a family of 4 without her.  Lots of great times and many, many memories.

Cathy, Liam, & Owen one last time at 549 Briody


Heather Lea said...

sad. :(

Gannas2win said...

Ah.... but now you have a flat screen TV!