Monday, August 27, 2007


Well fans... I have had a little trouble the past week and a half or so. My eye got real puffy like I had been punched and I had sort of a black eye. Then it turned into a pimple like growth right on the outside of my eyelid. From what I read it had all the symptoms of a stye and I was just supposed to let it work its course and burst or whatever. Well, today it was really big and starting to get painful so I went to the eye doctor to see what he would say. I had all I could do not to lance the big thing with a pin. So he told me it was a clogged oil duct/stye I guess. An hour later I was done with him flipping my eyelid back, numbing the area, taking a scalpal and cutting it open, scooping out all the gunk that was in there, and cauterizing the incision. All-in-all it wasn't that bad but it is just a little freaky having someone work on your eye. So the moral of the story is... well... nothing as I gather you can't do much about getting them. Oh well.

So I'm adding a picture of my eye... sorry if they are kind of disgusting, but I thought someone might like to know what I was talking about. No worries, though, I'm back to looking like Brad Pitt again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yuck and ouch. Ew. That's even worse than pink eye. At least pink eye just gets a prescription for drops.
