Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sofie the Cat

Well... we got back from vacation a week ago tomorrow to some bad news. Our cat of 14 years, Sofie, had died while we were gone. A couple years ago she had a heart issue that was resolved with some medicine, but over the past year she wasn't taking it anymore. We had some tears, Cathy probably more than anyone. We had a lot of questions, from Liam more than anyone. And now we have a new bush on the side of our house under which she is buried. It is kind of sad for us, even though neither Cathy or I were cat people when we got her in Sofia, Bulgaria 14 years ago. We had become quite attached to her; she moved with us all these years so it is kind of the end of stage of our life. We will see if we get a new one since Liam is technically allergic to cats, who knows.

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