Tuesday, January 8, 2008

White Doe

First off, hard to believe that I actually kept up a monthly blog for one whole year. Here is to another year.

We have a white deer, a doe, who lives in our neighborhood. She isn't an albino (no pink eyes), but rather a white deer. They are protected, as are albino deer, from being hunted. Last year I almost hit her with the Geo as I turned the corner. Well as the temperature has risen a lot and the snow has melted I guess the wildlife has decided to come out. When I walked out to go to start the car for church on Sunday... there she was walking across the street. I went and got Liam and Cathy to see her since Liam had never seen her. When we got in the car she was walking away and we snapped a picture, not a great picture, but you can make her out - too bad she didn't turn around. Interesting day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now *that* is probably one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I don't think I've seen a deer up close since college. My parents said there is a family of deer living in their neighborhood (they sleep in the flower bed from time to time) but none of them are white.